v1.0.x Special Character Search (MndSpecialCharSearch) -EN

v1.0.x Special Character Search (MndSpecialCharSearch) -EN

URL to Shopware Storehttp://store.shopware.com/en/search?sSearch=MND1332573988660
Shopware compatibility

5.0.0 +

07.03.2017First public version of the documentation for version 1.0.0


The plugin "MND special character search" allows searching for special characters such as ".","-","|","/".

Usually Shopware removes all special characters and uses them separators for search words. Searching for "a-b-c" is not possible.

This plugin works also with the shopware premium plugin "Smart search"

This plugin is not compatible with elasticsearch or external serach services like "Findologic", "Fact Finder" etc.

Installation and Usage

Install the plugin via the Shopware Plugin manager

After the installation you should clear the Shopware Caches (Frontend and HTTP-Proxy).

Further information about the installation process in Shopware:

Plugin-Installation: http://en.community.shopware.com/_detail_1638.html?_ga=1.157404536.358724997.1486735614
Plugin-Manager: http://en.community.shopware.com/_detail_1858.html?_ga=1.157404536.358724997.1486735614



After changing the plugin configuration or activating the plugin you need to rebuild the Shopware search index!

You can do this in the shopware backend via Preferences → Caches/Performance → Tab "Preferences" → In the tree select "Search" → Click on Button "Rebuild search index"

Preferable you should do this via the Shopware CLI

./console sw:refresh:search:index

Add more characters

You can add more characters via the field "Allowed characters". Pleas not that you have to escpae regex relevant characters with Backslash "\". Example: \/

Here we add "/", " " und "|"



The Plugin is also uninstalled using the Plugin manager.

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