v1.1.x Shopware Monitoring Basic (MndMonitoring) -EN

URL to Shopware Storehttp://store.shopware.com/en/search?sSearch=MND5958963425131
Shopware compatibility5.0.0+
DateChanges made
2017-07-05Documentation for the release version 1.0.0
2017-07-21SMS Type "basic" will be no longer supported by SMS77 from 2017-07-31


The Shopware Plugin MND Shopware Monitoring Basic (MndMonitoring) you can monitor various parameters of your shop and notify you via email and SMS.

Currently, the following can be checked:

  • Notification when new plugin updates are availalbe for your shop (NEW: with changelog excerpt)
  • Issues with cronjobs (deactivation on errors or erroneous changes by other backend users)
  • Incomplete or empty product feeds (useful for ERP/IM synchronization)
  • Suddenly inactive articles (useful for ERP/IM synchronization)
  • Suddenly missing article images (useful for ERP/IM synchronization)
  • Requests to shop (by detecting fluctuations in visitor numbers)

MND Shopware Monitoring Basic is triggered via a Shopware cronjob. In situations where Shopware cronjobs can't be run, or the e-mail system is broken, a notification won't work!

Once shopware cronjobs can be run again, notification resumes.

For SMS Notifications we integrated an interface to the service SMS77.io. To use that service you need an active account on SMS77.io with sufficient balance and an API Key to that account. You can create the API key in the administration interface of SMS77.io. Please note that we can only provide support for the plugin itself, and not for topics concerning SMS77.io.


The installation is being done as usual about the Shopware Plugin Manager.
Further information about the installation process in Shopware:

Plugin-Manager: http://community.shopware.com/Plugin-Manager-ab-Shopware-5_detail_1856.html)



  1. Shopware cronjobs must be activated and working!
  2. The intervals of the linux cronjob, which controls the Shopware cronjobs, must be SHORTER than the check intervals configured in the monitoring plugin!
    1. Example: system cronjob triggers the Shopware cronjob every 15 minutes. The check interval of the monitoring plugin can not be less than 15 minutes, even if the monitoring cron job is set to 5 minutes.

After installation, a new cronjob is created for the MndMonitoring. Make sure that it is always active.
Also check the interval on which the cronjob is being run. The plugin settings refer to this interval.

Notifications and SMS Relay

E-mail address(es) for notification
You can specify one or more e-mail addresses for the notification. 
Multiple e-mail addresses can be entered with a semicolon (;) as a separator. 
If the field is empty, no message is sent.
(SMS77.io) UsernameYour Username for SMS77 (you need to be registered on SMS.io)
(SMS77.io) Secure API-KeyAPI Key of SMS77. You can create one on SMS77.io
(SMS77.io) Sender nameName which is displayed as sender in SMS. (max 11 alphanumeric characters, A-Z and 0-9 no special Characters allowed!)
(SMS77.io) Receiver Number

The receiver number(s) to which the sms will be sent. Multiple numbers can be provided comma separated

We encourage you to use the following number format with country code:


(SMS77.io) Type of TransmissionHere you can select the type of SMS transmission. You can find more information about these types on SMS77.io. We recommend using Direct SMS due to the better reliability
  • Economy SMS
  • Direct SMS

If you don't want to use SMS notifications, just leave the corresponding fields blank.

Available modules and their configuration

The notification can be controlled via the plugin configuration.
An interval can be entered for most tests. This refers to the interval with which the MND Monitoring Cronjob runs. The setting can be configured from each interval up to multiple interval intervals:

Plugin updates
Notifies when new plugin updates are available for your shop. NEW: With changelog excerpt, so you can see what changes in the new plugin versions!
Status of the cronjobs
Notifies when Shopware cronjobs are disabled. 
Example scenarios:
  • Shopware can be configured to automatically disable cronjobs when errors occur. The "Disable on error" checkbox in the respective cronjob configuration must be active.
  • Also useful for to catch settings made by backend users.
Number of articles in productfeeds
Notifies when the number of articles in a productfeed changes by given threshold.

Examples scenarios:

  • Due to an error a product feed can't be fully generated and it contains fewer items than expected. (and hence not items are being deliverted to market places / Google Shopping etc.)
Article without pictures

Notifies when the number of articles with missing images reaches threshold

Example scenarios:

  • ERP/IM ceonnection no longer transfers image data

Number of articles and

Number of inactive/active articles

Notifies when the number of articles in shop, as well as number of active articles changes by given threshold.

Example scenarios:

  • ERP/IM synchronization or user unexpectedly deactivates articles and they are then no longer displayed in the shop
  • Articles are deleted from the shop by mistake
  • A large number of articles have has been removed from the shop
Shop requests

Notifies when requests to shop suddenly drop. This allows problems to be detected when the traffic hits unexpectedly, or if traffic unexpectedly increases.

This Feature will be removed in future versions. The current implementation is not as usefull as we hoped.

Plugin updates (new: with Changelog!)

The following plugins can be checked for updates:
  • plugins that are installed and active
  • plugins that are installed (active and inactive)
  • all plugins (uninstalled, too)

Example Notification:

Status of the cronjobs

Example Notification:

Number of articles in productfeeds

Example Notification:

Store hits

Example Notification:

Article without pictures

Example Notification:

Number of articles and Number of inactive/active article

Example Notification:


The plugin is uninstalled with the Shopware Plugin Manager.
The created history is not removed automatically. We use database tables according to the following pattern. You can delete them manually from the database as needed.
  • mnd_monitoring*